| 206-349-5669
Serious business person by day, and crazy creative by night.
Having worked as a strategist and business management consultant for years, I am adept at rapidly analyzing, jumping into action and working under deadlines. I'm always open to constructive feedback and thrive on providing optimal products for my clients.
My first foray into voice recording was in the late '90s when I was the IVR voice for a mid-size computer distributor. Since then I have worked on a variety of corporate and non-corporate projects. Recent 2018 TV appearances include hands-on demonstration spots on King5's New Day Northwest with Margaret Larson, and Q13 here in Seattle.
Commonly teased about being a walking cartoon character, I enjoy narrating the thoughts of my dogs, reading aloud to my family, and talking to the wildlife around my home in the foothills of the Cascades.
Oh... and I'm also a competitive sugar artist for extra fun!